Hello, I was wondering if someone on here could help me out with my printer. I bought it a month ago and haven’t had time to use it til today however there is a few problems I’m running into.

1: The print bed wont rise or move at all

2: The print bed wont heat up past 40 degrees

I have tried looking online for similar problems but I couldn’t really find anything. Any help or advice anyone could give me would be great, thanks.


Hi I think your mainboard. Is the menu also slow if you walk through the menu,s

It is a little slow. Is there anything I can do to fix it? I can take pictures of the board.

Are you using the menu to move the bed? If not, try it.

Also for the heating - I assume you are using the menu to load the filament?

If both continue to not work, I would contact XYZ tech support - after all it is still under warranty I assume.

I think your mainboard is dammaged!

I don’t think it would be under warranty anymore, the person I bought it from flashed it for use with Repetier Host. I was taking a look at the motherboard and I see there is an empty slot up top, could this be a problem?