Hello, I made my own spool holder in Fusion 360. I then sliced the design in the latest version of Cura and noticed some random patterns in the first layer. The print head moves very fast between random points and extrudes little filament, the filament doesn’t have time to cool and gets dragged along with the head. The rest of the print turn out well but I don’t understand why Cura sliced the design in such a weird way.

The nozzle height is calibrated correctly as other prints have turned out great with a good layer height but this problem I think is down to the way the design has been sliced. If you look at the Cura comparison, there are random holes that were not in the original design. If you have any idea what might be causing this I would appreciate the help :slight_smile:

If there is a problem with the STL, you can always run it through cloud.netfabb.com

Maybe that’s a good place to start, then you can mess with any first layer settings like speed and width.

Just do one thing at a time until you find any differences. It’s just the first layer so you should be able to see any results quickly.