Hi all,

Can anyone please help me with a problem I’m currently in too. I have made an upgrade of the printer I own (CTC 3d printer) by changing the timing pulley ( old ones made out of plastic with 17 tooth) with the new ones ( aluminum timing pulley with 20 tooth). I followed every step described in this video ( CTC 3D Drucker - Tuning Tutorial_4 (ALU-Pulleys/ Lagerung Y Achse) - YouTube ). I wanted to make this change (upgrade) because those plastic timing pulleys were wobbly while printing and just by manually moving the extruder head I was felling points where little forces was needed to move it. After mounting everything up, I followed the steps from this youtube link ( CTC 3D Drucker - Tuning Tutorial_5 (Kalibrierung) - YouTube ) and made all the calculation needed. After I finished the calculation, I moved the extruder head from ReplicatorG 100mm and measured, and the result from the caliper was like I was expecting ( ~99,99 mm ). The firmware which is installed is "The replicator firmware version 7.5 " (not Sailfish). The big problem I have is when I want to level the build plate. On the X axis move until a defined point ( don’t know where is defined ), but on the Y axis what happens it really scares me. Seems like it is trying to move more on the Y axis, but is impossible because it is physically limited by the frame. I’m not using Simplify3D as slicer, only Makerbot Desktop Beta version and I saw there “Device preferences” where I modified the steps per mm resulted from my calculations ( 79.779410 steps /mm for both axis, X and Y). Seems like the problem persists and can’t stop the Y axis hitting the frame. I modified even the steps/mm in “replicator-sailfish.xml” underneath the ReplicatorG folder, opened the ReplicatorG program, and tried to move the extruder head from the program to see if the steps are correct and the result was like I expected ( 220 mm on the X axis, 140 on the Y axis). Seems like only when I select option to level the bed from the printer’s menu, the Y axis tries to go further. I even modified the “Axis Length” in MakerBot Desktop ( instead of the default value 148 mm,I wrote 140 mm), but nothing happened.

Did someone has a solution, because I’m afraid that in time the belt or something else will rip apart. Any ideas,suggestions are welcomed.

Kind regards, Emi