I am looking into buying a ceramic / clay printer and a only know a couple and was hoping someone might know who is at the top of their game in ceramic / clay machines?

Any advise, comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Hey @3dpGeek,

I think Wasp’s ceramic printer might be your best bet, you can check it out on their site.

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Hi, i’m Enrico from Torino, Italy.

I print ceramic/clay with WASP Delta2040 and Clay Extruder.

Great prints both in FDM and Clay.

If you don’t find it in shops near you, maybe I can help you. :wink:

You can take a look to my site too: http://www.cosmo3d.it)

All the best and happy printing from Cosmo3d.

I have checked them out before and was just wondering if there was someone flying under the radar. Before the post I did a short search.

My Italian isn’t the best and google translate wasn’t working so correct me if I am wrong. You are a Wasp reseller? Do you have any prints with the clay attachment?

wasp project

è una Delta.

I have only used one type of LDM (clay) extrusion system. And that is the WASP clay extruder. It is very simple to setup and get going. I am also a reseller here in the USA on all WASP printers and parts.

I recently purchased one of these as well and am having difficulty getting the extrusion to work. It there a trick to getting the consistency of the clay mixture correct? It seems to flow to the print head but will not extrude.

Yes, I’m a WASP reseller… I printed some objects with clay estruder using porcelain, mixed with 5% alchool… worked perfectly for me… You can taake a look to this video on my youtube channel: Cosmo3d - Stampa 3d vaso di porcellana - YouTube.

I home this can help… All the best. Enrico