Please can somebody advise me. I’m quite far in getting me a nice buisnessplan, only thing left is “how to…” add my colored layer on my model so I can upload my model and Fullcolor sandstone 3d print it. Thanks and in advance I appreciate your input/feedback, for now its only giving me headache! User of Cinema 4d r14.


@robs_3D can you help out with this Cinema 4D issue? cheers

UV mapping is a little bit out of my wheelhouse, but this video may get you started in the right direction. Also, @Robin3D may be able to point you in the right direction.

Thanks for the video link, just fine that there is any answer!

I’ve already tried this video but I think its just the last step that’s missing, baking the png or jpg file and than “How to upload everything”.

Looking for somebody who can help me step by step. with screenshots I’ll post during this coorpotation.



You can find a lot of tutorials on the side of Greyscalegorilla.
