Is there a way to change the temperature at certain layers/heights of the print?

I know there used to be a plugin called TweakAtZ and another called VeryAtHeight but neither are working for me. I’m running Cura 2.1.3 and Cura 2.3 and neither are working in both of them. Could someone confirm that they are still able to use one of these plugins for the latest release and then I can work on getting that fixed my end if I know someone else is able to use it.



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I am not familiar with cura. However, with simplify 3d, you can define several processes with different settings, including temperature, and set the start and end layer height for each.

I think i need to get myself onto Simplify 3D… I’ve been considering it for a while now.

Hi Sam,

i’m Enrico, a 3d printing professional from Turin (http://www,

I use TweakAtZ and for me works perfectly: I set up the height or layer number (they are in alternative), and then the Extruder 1 temp.

Try another time, and then let me know.

All the best. Enrico