I’m wanting to tackle a larger print. I’m wondering if its possible to pause a print and continue it after an hour or longer. Is this something that is possible? Thanks!

I think if you run a few tests, you will see that it will be somewhat difficult to get new layers to stick to a cooled layer after a long pause. There will definitely be a seam, as the material will likely have cooled and shrunk.

But, if I were you, I would run a few small tests and see…

There is pause on Anycubic Kossel, but it is just “freezing” the print head in the current position. The nozzle will not go to home, but will remain on the part and it will remain hot. This will damage the part in that area. And if you do home or if you physically move the print head, than it is goodbye, it will lose the paused position (at least this is the situation on my frameware).