
Can someone upload their simplify3d settings for a ctc makerbot please.

i’ve tried to set mine up but its not printing on the build plate, in fact the build plate stays at the bottom and the extruder prints in mid air and not in the correct location.


Here’s mine. It’s actually a FFF file, so just change the file extension (from PDF) and import into Simplify3D.
CTC Creator.pdf (11.2 KB)

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Did you switch your firmware from Marlin/Sprinter/Reprap to Sailfish?

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Yes i did :slight_smile:

Thats great thank you very much.

I put the profile in and tried to do a test run but the start code or something is not right for my printer, because the print head goes straight into print, no heating extruder’s so i had to quickly stop it.

This start code works for my (ctc mk8 extruder printer)


M136 ;(Enable build)
M73 P0 ;(Manually set build percentage. Valid P values are 0 to 100)
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Bed Temperature (Fast))
M104 S[extruder1_temperature] T0 ;(Set Extruder Temperature)
G162 X Y F2000 ;(Home positive XY axes maximum)
G161 Z F900 ;(Home negative Z axis minimum)
G92 X0 Y0 Z-5 A0 B0 ;(set Z to -5) (Define current position on axes)
G1 Z0.0 F900 ;(Move Z to ‘0’)
G161 Z F100 ;(Home negative Z axis minimum)
M132 X Y Z A B ;(Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis)
G92 X152 Y72 Z0 A0 B0 ;(Define current position on axes or ?Set current as home?)
G1 X105.400 Y-74.000 Z50.000 F3300 ;(Move to waiting position)
G130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 ;(Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)
M126 S[fan_speed_pwm]
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Bed Temperature (Fast))
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Extruder Temperature and wait)
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Extruder Temperature)
M134 T0 ;Stabilize bed temperature (Write PID values to EEPROM)
M133 T0 ;Stabilize right extruder temperature (Set PID I limit value)
G130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 ;(Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)
G1 X105.400 Y-74.000 Z0.270 F9000 ;(Extruder Prime Dry Move)
G1 X-105 F1800 E15 ;(Extruder Prime Start) E = Extruded length in mm while moving
G92 A0 B0 ;(Reset after prime)
G1 Z0 F1000
G1 Y-74 F1000 E0.0
G92 E0 ;Set position E = Extrudes coordinate
G1 X-105 Y-70 F9000; Wipe of
G1 X-105 Y-70 Z1 F3600; Rise for travel
M135 T0; Extruder change
G1 X-105 Y-70 Z1 F1500 A-1.30000; Retract
G1 X-105 Y-70 Z1 F1380; Travel move
M73 P0;


End code


G0 Z155
M109 S0 T0
M104 S0 T0
;G161 X Y F2500
M73 P100 (end build progress )


so now i have got that part worked out i need to work out how to dual extrude because every time i try it just says i have no dual extruder profile even though i do.

Hello any chance you can upload the settings again please desperately need them, not getting very far !

Did you ever get the dual extruder wizard to work or figure out how to dual extrude. Not much info out there. Hate using makerbot for my dual extrusion prints. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Nope never got it working in duel mode, and i’ve now lost the heart to even bother trying lol
i print using just 1 extruder in Simplify3d and if i ever do need to dual print i will use makerware.

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I got it to work if you want the FFF profile let me know :slight_smile:

Could you share a copy with me of the CTC dual FFF?

Thanks so much!

Hello. I am in need of the CTC profile. Can you please share it with me? Or if you could post it here on the forum.

I hate using makerware to dual extrude as it always gets stuck on 58% slicing and refuses to process properly so it always goes outside of my build plate.


Hello the command for set extruder temperature and wait M109 needs to be one of the first commands you run. Otherwise it will set the temp but begin printing. That is one of the things you have wrong there.

Hey can anyone send me a profile for a ctc Printer with simplify3d. I messed some things up and cant get it to print on the plate.

Try this one. Let me know if it works. I haven’t had luck with it but maybe you will. I am unsure of how to add the code for mixing 2 material just as dual extrusion with PLA and ABS. I could not get it to Parse when I tried adding that. If you can let me know please and share the file so I can have it.
CTC Creator_0.pdf (11.2 KB)

how it put this settings on my ctc?

my plate not moves! :frowning: