Hello everyone,

today i tryed to print PLA with my Bowden Extruder but it get stucken between the Teeth after Seconds…

I already changed from the normal Gear like This:



now i got this:


and it works for PETG realy well but not for PLA… same issue.

Got someone a Idea how to fix that?

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With the facts you’ve provided, I can only guess.

So here goes

1 - Can you push your filament through the hot extruder by hand?

2 - Does your filament fit into your Bowden tube?

3 - Do you have good tightness between your pressure roller and the Hobb-Goblin teeth?

Sometimes PLA gets pretty stiff as the roll of filament gets smaller.

That stiffness can cause exactly the trouble you are speaking of.

Try a new spool of PLA or warm the PLA up to about 30 degrees C

To get better suggestions, I would say following information would help others to be able to help you.

Type or model of printer?

Slicing software?

Photo’s of your setup?

Just some thoughts