I run a 3D printing lab at a university and want to get a machine that can handle woodfill, bronzefill, etc. I need something pretty robust and reliable- we have students running the printers, not professionals, and they are hard on our machines. Preferably something that comes from a company with good customer support. I appreciate your suggestions!

Hey there,

Have you checked out our 3D printer guide? Do you have any estimation on what would be printed on those machines? How big, etc.?

I hadn’t, looks like a great resource! I’d like to have a bed that’s at least 7x7x7 inches. Students usually print pieces of projects rather than entire projects. Our lab mostly services jewelry, industrial design and architecture students.

check out http://www.lpfrg.com/

I print metal PLA without a problem, only thing is the don’t have rvs nozzles yet , so youll spend on so more nozzles

There support is OK! Its a dutch design