Thanks Ron, that does give us hope we might be able use these programmers.

I put in a request to the eXtreme Tech website to include the Atmega1280.

Hopefully they will consider that, but the Atmega2560 selection may work just fine.


I have recently purchased one from Amazon(15 Apr) and have been printing almost daily.

Lots of things on thingiverse to upgrade and very easy to level and use.

Has anyone gotten the 3p usbasp to connect in studio? I have both models of the Qidi and need assistance in getting the old on a new sailfish.

Hi Noah,

It’s been a while since I was able to successfully upgrade my Qidi to the lastest SF, so some of the details are fuzzy now. But I do remember that my programmer wasn’t being accommodated by the Studio software. I think what I ended up doing was following Ron’s post below, and using the command line AVRdude software. As Ron mentions, your command should end up something like this:

avrdude -p m1280 -F -P usb -c usbasp -U flash:w:bootloader/atmega1280.hex \ -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m -U hfuse:w:0xDA:m -U efuse:w:0xF4:m -U lock:w:0x0F:m

Just follow his post to grab the appropriate hex file, and keep us posted on how you get on. If you have any other questions, I’ll do my best to try and remember more. It’s definitely been worthwhile to make the jump to SF 7.7. :slight_smile:


I managed to get 7.7 on my old qidi runs great. Just recently fished a 30 hr print no issues

{Removed for Update}

Hi Adam

In the Pictures is that the Qidi Tech Avatar IV if so

how did you wire up the cooling fan I just don’t want to fry out the board

As far as software using S3D

thanks for your time


Continuing the discussion from Avatar IV (QiDi Tech):

I have yet to be able to load a program into the machine, I can only print a sample that was supplied. I have downloaded a few but cant figure out how to get it loaded I show 2 in the menus from the SD card but nothing happens when I click on it

How are you loading the file? What is the extension on the file?

1 is STL I downloaded from internet

from the SD Card all Ive downloaded only 2 show up in the menu but I click on either and nothing happens

The STL need to be loaded into a slicer then the output from the slicer is saved to the SD card.

OK Ill try that see what happens thank you no instructions came with the machine

It worked thank you wow but it sure takes time printing

3D printing is not fast! Somewhere around grass growing and paint drying!
Glad you got going though.