Hello Everyone!

I finally decided to buy a 3D printer kit. Choice of printer was Anycubic Kossel Delta 3d Printer.

The printer comes with a bed leveling sensor. When i start leveling ,the print head ends up going outside the print bed . This jams the printer and i am afraid that this will damage the motors. That being said i am unable to start a print since the printer wont find home or level. Any ideas why the print head might go out of print area? How do it fix it? Is it a software problem? or a mechanical?

I am very new to this so, any help would be highly appreciated!!

Thank you in advance.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

- Regards,

Dushyant .

just built my AnyCubic Kossel pulley version and had a similar problem. First it would trip the GFI outlet. Using a non-GFI outlet I wouldn’t get the processor to power up. Nor would the screen turn on - it just seemed DOA. The PS was putting out 12.7 volts. I found a comment somewhere online about a bad limit switch. I rechecked and found I had put them in the wrong position. There are three pins on the board for each switch, not just two. Moving them to the correct location and I was up. Unfortunately one of the X axis was on X- instead of X+ (or visa versa), anyway when leveling it would move down then start normally but then just start probing to the right until it was off the bed and jam the motor. Lesson learned - switches in the wrong location cause very strange results - double check