Hello everyone! I have been thinking for a while should a get a anet a8 for 120$ or a anycubic kossel delta for 170$ as my first printer. Im more interested about print quality and quality then about how hard it is to build. Is the kossel delta worth the extra 50$? Can someone help me out?

Anet a8! I have both and the anycubic is a nightmare I pretty much thrown away the stock electronics and heatend and put more into it than I paid for it. The a8 on the other hand out of box worked first time. Prints are excellent and after I added a bltouch sensor and skynet firmware it’s awsome

I would recommend the Anet. Deltas are not the typical printers to start with. Also you can find a bigger community, tutorials, hints, etc. for the Anet.

Ok thanks for the help but now i cant decide between tronxy x1 and anet a8. Tronxy is 108 euros and anet 124 euros.

I didn’t try the Tronxy, but I just had a look at it at GearBest. What I can say is, that the acrylic frame of the Anet is some kind of wobbly. The frame of the Tronxy looks much more riggit. I already completly rebuild my Anet (search for “AM8” at Thingiverse.com) so my printer is now also built with aluminium extrusions like the Tronxy.

Try to search on YouTube for “Tronxy X1 reviews”, I think you will find a lot of tests and reviews. The Tronxy looks more stable than the Anet. If you want to print fast with good results, a stiff frame is sufficient. But the community (especially for beginners) is bigger for the Anet.

I hope this helps a bit.

or even the newer Anet A6

A quick update : the price on the delta printer will drop down to 76 euros (87 dollars) tomorrow so should i buy it?! I would prefer it because of the part cooling fan, faster speed, better quality and stability and the amazing price but is it way too difficult for me as a first printer?

did u consider the max print size?

yep its enough for my small projects