
I want to ask you that what is the best running speed of 3D printing machine for surface finish product within 50 micron and as your opinion about running speed of 3D printing machine,how much electricity use per hour.

Thank You

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Hey @Khevendra , do you have any specific printer in mind? That would help to answer our question.

Hello sir,

I have not any specification printer in mind.I’ll purchase a 3D printing machine according to your opinion.

so please suggest me about my machine with my query.

Thank You

@Linda_Zouad @Daan_3D do you have an indication for this?


Yes I have, Let a 3D printing machine of 240 v with 50 micron and its printing speed is 50 mm / sec then how much electricity use per hour.

Thank You.

I have a Creatr HS by leapfrog. The printspeed is 150mm/s maximum (faster and the prints look ugly). The printer can use between 25 and 250 microns layer height with the standard 0,35mm bore nozzle. The maximum power consumption is 400W, but only in the beginning, when the printer is heating up, during the printing it’s around 200W I’d say. Power consumption isn’t really a problem with 3d printers, they just have a few motors and small heaters, all considered they are very energy-efficient machines. Cheers, Marius Breuer