
I’m considering to make a 3D printing session for the class of my son.

He is 6 years old. I think about :

- reading the story of LEO the Maker Prince: Journeys in 3D Printing

- printing fish for april 1st

- using Doodle 3D for some drawings

Do you have some advices ?

Thanks in advance



check out the Modio (now TinkerPlay) app for iOS and Android. Versa Connector (TNDCI DEV) 0.0.1 - Sign On

My daughter is 6 and she loves putting together the different action figure models, coloring them, messing with their textures, etc. Once the kids have created their action figures the models can be exported as STLs ready for print and all models are designed to be printed without support on FDM printers.


That’s an awesome idea!

Found this, maybe nice to print it out before you start your class and to hand out to the kids, so they have a souvenir after your class.

And something to play with.


It’s a modular building system with disks.

It is modelled on Morphi, what I never used but might be worth having a look at.


What maybe also would be nice, would be to make a food save cookie cuter out of the fish you want to print and bake some cookies for the kids.

Made with the cookie cuter they could model/print them self.


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Hey Gauthier!

I came across Icanmake today you should check it out: icanmake.co/teachers. It might be too advanced for 5-6 years old kids though, but worth asking them as they will start beta to test their early products in April.

Hope that helps!

Hi Gauthier

we developped specific curriculums for kids 3Dmodeling sessions. our software is 3D Slash (free online & offline) : simple vocabulary, no barrier to entry, it’s a plug&play solution. it offers suitable tools for kids work such as drag&drop for pictures (use it as guidelines) and for STL import (find something great on the web and customized it).

our complete HowTo is available on 3D Hubs and, cheery on the cake, you’ll get direct link to your favorite Hub when you want to print !

enjoy and feel free to contact us for support & feedback.


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I am doing an important project about the design an educational 3D printer for children.

Could you let your son to do the questionnaire?

• Questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/562XJHP

It just has 9 questions that will take you few minutes.

Your feedback is very important.

Thank you for participating in my survey.


I will do that.




Thank you very much :)