Hi, I have a project coming up where I would like to 3d print an object onto a plastic sheet so that the two pieces are permanent. I know I could print two objects and bond them, or use dual extruders, but I want it to bond to base sheet because the model has a low height and many separate sections. Similar to 3d printing text onto the base sheet if you like. If I was to 3d print the base the quality would be no where near as good and as I have a few to do it would be labour intensive. Anyway, before I start experimenting, has anyone had any experience of this, or have any pointers? I know the mechanics of it, eg positioning and leveling off the sheet to start, but I am wandering the best choice of materials for both extruding and the base sheet, and whether I should cover the base sheet with a bonding agent which won’t t affect the asphetics. I am looking forward to solving this one and would appreciate any tips or guidance that anybody could suggest! Thanks, Matt

Just thinking, if I was able to locate abs in sheet form and print abs onto it, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t bond… is there???

It would bond, to ensure this it would be best to sand the surface of the ABS to aid in adhesion.

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Good point, surface texture, I could get frosted sheet! Thanks

That’s amazing, exactly what I was looking for thank you! Could you clarify what PP sheet is for me please? Thanks again

I made some tests 2.5 years ago for a company with ABS and PLA to a sample PP sheet and worked great. You had to really flex the sheet to remove the letters from it. PLA worked better, it stick much better to the PP sheet. The first layer height is critical you have to push in the head to the sheet a little bit (carve it basically) for the best adhesion.

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PP is Polypropylene. The company whom I was making these tests are making signs. They provided the test material.

I would suggest to search a company with similar profile in your area and ask them if they have some left over sheets.

(The good thing is even your print come off for any reason from the sheet, you can glue it back as the print leave a mark on it)

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