Hey All;

I purchased a 3d delta printer from Flsun. Put it together but I can’t seem to connect to it and make it do anything.

I am sure there is some sort of communication issue but for the life of me I can’t figure it out.

Windows 10. The Arduino Mega 2560 is showing on COM3. But when I run the Arduino software (1.6.1) it can’t connect to the printer. Nor can the Repetier Software. All the software sees the printer, but all say they can’t make a connection.

When I plug the printer into the computer it goes beep-boop so I know my computer is seeing it and the green light is on one the printer control board.

I am sorry if you are shaking your head right now with all this newb issues, but it is very frustrating and I do need a bone tossed my way as to what the issue might be. I have played with the port communication speeds to make sure they match but still no success.

If anyone could give me a hand here, it would be most appreciated.

Thanks All



How does it connect? USB and if so what USB port are you using? If USB 3 try moving to a USB 2 port.I am not familiar with this one so pardon any dumb question!


I have moved the usb connection to no avail.

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I don’t know how this kit is delivered, butmaybe there is no firmware such as Marlin loaded yet? If so, that would explain why Repetier cannot connect to the printer.

As for the Arduino IDE: Perhaps you did not select the Arduino Mega 2560 board from the tools->board menu?

Hope this helps,


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Try uploading the arduino blinking led sketch. If that uploads and works then you know it is not the connection.


If you go to device management is there a device with on “!” in it? You installed the arduino driver? The usb to com driver is not standard installed in some of the win 10 editions

Also if not installed, you need this:


the driver makes iT possible to communicate with the arduino.

hope iT helpt !

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Have you flashed a proper firmware?

Brian, use the email support from FLSUN. I have also purchased a Delta from them and they provide terrific support.

Be sure to break down your connection problem, tell them step by step what you are doing, and where you expect communication, but are not getting it.

Look on the USB drive they provided at the user manual. they provide step by step instructions to creating a connection, updating the firmaware and then testing the printer. Do this STEP by STEP and don’t skip anything!

Did you try to use pronterface to test your printer / connection as per the instructions? What happens?

USB 2/ 3 wont matter at all in the communication process. The only time that would make a difference is if you are actually trying to print from the computer ( don’t do that, load you gcode to the memory card and run it locally, much better results! )

Apologies if someone has mentioned it already, but here’s my short list of todos in this case.

After running through the great suggestions above re; drivers.

1. Pick one of the available ports. Doesn’t matter, going to try them all eventually.

2. Try all the available speeds one by one. Start with the faster speeds first as they are most likely what the Mega is using. You may need to close and reopen the arduino software each time.

3. Repeat with every speed and port available.

4. After 1-3 are done. Try a new cable.

5. If needed try another arduino to confirm connection to something. I’ve received bad Mega clones that will do what you are seeing, appear but not communicate.

+1 for Drivers.

Follow this to the “T” and make sure you get the right Hardware driver installed for your arduino. (Then I assume you’ll have to flash Marlin or some other printer control firmware to the arduino).

Here is how to setup your Marlin Firmware

you need to get driver from seller and then uninstall the default one from windows i had lots of problem with mine printer you have to try lots of drivers

I have yet to see anyone mention just try changing the baud rate on say repetier host. In printer settings. Start with one end and work your way through the speeds till one works. Also is 1.6.1 the recommended version of ide for your firmware? I use 1.0.1 to 1.0.4 version of ide myself. Try multiple programs for speed communication adjustments. Windows ten will at times also cause an issue depending on what is on the USB chip that handles the communication with the 2560. Then also dbl chk what port your on. Try a few different ones, looks like you have done this already. If you have another Arduino board laying around, may be able to connect that way. I would try a different computer though just to make sure it’s not the PC in any way.

Hope you have tried a different USB cable and jack. Not just one. Also are you running a RAMPs 1.4 on a mega? If so, try using Arduino ide 1.0.4, should be able to see com port, set it, board type - Mega adk something, the programmer as ide. Also I know Windows has been adding support for the 3d printers and various boards. There are new options and features so that you can print direct like s printer and setup in a que. But usually it’s with higher price board like a rambo

This fixed all problems for me on Windows 10

1) download driver http://wch.cn/download/CH341SER\_ZIP.html

2) open devices

3) right click on the usb

4) click update driver

5) browse my computer for driver

6) it should be in you downloads folder

7) open and install

Some cheap Chinese Megas use the CH341 chip instead of a genuine chip.

hope this helps!

I guess you fixed problem. No response lately. Hope it was just a USB cable. If on a USB dongle that may also cause an issue at times and may need to take it out the equation. Want as minimal things hooked up. Does board blink any LEDs when power is on?

hey all. thanks for all the replies. I did INDEED get it all worked out, it was bad usb drivers.

Thanks everyone


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