Hi there!

Last Friday the 3D Kreator Motion arrived at the Amsterdam HQ. After making some space in the Print Lab, the Motion was ready to be unpacked.

The 3DK, with a really nice, minimalistic design. A beautiful printer IMO.

Setting it up!

The nice people from 3D Kreator shipped the printer with some cool filament and other stuff like helpful tools as well! Three types of filament to be precise: 3DK Wood, Gold and Blue, all PLA.

The 3DK filament, together with the set-up instruction sheets, some tools and a spare nozzle.

Thanks to the very clear set-up instructions, the 3DK was ready to print within 15 minutes! What I really liked about the 3DK is that the fan, cooling the motor and the filament, is attached with magnets so no tools were needed to assemble that part.


As you can see, browsing is very easy with the bright and clear screen

Because the set-up went so smooth I felt pretty confident about the abilities of the printer. And the brave one I am, the first filament I wanted to print with was the 3DK’s own WoodFill filament.

The SD-card, which was sent with the printer, contained a .pdf file about the best printer settings for each type of filament. For me, there was some very helpful information regarding the printer because it was the first printer I used which uses a perforated heating bed. With a perforated heating bed, using a raft is necessary for each print (I didn’t know about that!).

First print

To check of all the settings were alright on the printer, the first print I did was of course a Marvin! There were no hiccups during the print and after approx. 15 minutes Marvin was finished in the 3DK Wood PLA.

Not bad at all, huh?

Besides from the settings in Cura, you also have to set-up the printer in the type of filament used. Because a nice .gif says more than a thousand words, check the following .gif to see what I mean :wink:

giphy (1)_0.gif

Choosing the right filament settings

On to the next one!

@Gfisherwils came by to check the new printer out and already had some prints in mind for the 3DK. Since it was Friday afternoon, he decided it would be nice to print a recorder and work on his flute skills. Since we wanted to try the different filaments as well we used the 3DK Blue PLA for the recorder.

The several parts of the recorder

Assembled and ready to rock!

The cool thing about the recorder is that it actually worked! So the whole afternoon the office enjoyed the musical intermezzo from @Gfisherwils

This was a short first hands-on review about the 3DK. I will write a more in-depth review about the printer when I have used it for some more time!

What do you guys think of the 3DK? Let me know in the comments!


Dominic // 3D Hubs


Gotta love dat Recorder!


Video of @Gfisherwils using the recorder please!


I’ve had the 3DKreator Motion for over 3 months now and it is indeed a workbeast!

My job requires me to test a LOT with different filaments and I’ve yet had a material under 260c that did not print well.
I’ve tested with: PLA, ABS, PET-G, HIPS, ABS+, PC-ABS, WOOD, METAL, CARBON FIBER, PVA, FLEX etc. :smiley:

I have not found a 3D printer that can compete in pumping out objects reliably with different filaments that performs as well as the Motion.

I’m <3 with it and I can’t wait for a dual extrusion model if they are going to release one. :slight_smile:


Woohoo! That sounds really promising. Gonna print with Flex and Carbon Fiber in the near future :slight_smile:
