I am a 3D hub and when I type in 44060 it used to show I was 4th or 5th in the list for Mentor Ohio. Now today when I search 44060 Mentor Ohio or 44060 it doesn’t show my Hub at all??? WHY???

My Hub Name is John’s Hub-https://www.3dhubs.com/cleveland/hubs/john

I think it stopped working today. It only shows Hubs listed on first page no matter what page number you click.

Good, I was on the first page it wasn’t showing it today though. Hopefully it works soon again.


Hi @Johnnyo1012, I have tried to reproduce the error, but for me the search filter works fine: Online 3D Printing Service | Instant 3D Printing Quotes | Hubs


Thanks!! I realized my search filter was on distance not best match.