Thanks for the info. I will give Cura a go.

Printed two Marvins, one in 100 micron in Cura and 200 micron in Slicer. I couldn’t go lower in slicer because the oozing of filament. Look at marvins helmet, cura on the right creates a sharp line while slicer on the left has a droop. Also the key chain loop is a bit cleaner with Cura. I also download Kisslicer which is free and will repeat the test with three Marvins in same resolution and apply a few hints from below. Also try to get the same settings like acceleration and cooling across all three slicers. Ps will add a macro photo at work today because the ipad takes bad pics.

photo from my S4

The Cura source code is available on github. So it should be possible to add the temperature controls into the front end. I will have a look at it and see if i can crack this nut.

as many of us i tried almost all 3d printing software. Works really well with my Witbox but is missing one super important point: more control over the support structures. Sometimes i don’t need a support on a part of the print, but i can’t select that support and delete it… If they introduce this feature to Cura, will be the best software for me.

Go job to Ultimaker with this Software!

Very interesting experiment this is

Amazingly Cura does have a temperature controls like Pronterface! They are just hidden under file, preferences, select interface “Pronterface” see attached picture.

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I do not agree with your last point. When you’re saving a model in Cura it will be saved as a STL file when you put .stl at the end. If you don’t add .stl it will be saved as an AMF file.

Now you can delete the last point from your “Annoy List” :slight_smile:

Thx that’s true I should have try that but wrongly assumed the proprietary extension was associated with a propriatory encoding. But why not offering the options in the user interface instead of hiding it for the end user to find it by chance or by try and error.

I should also says that Slic3r do have this functionality as Export STL button on the GUI. Sorry if you felt offended but this is not an “Annoy list” The comment clearly stated few missing feature and not things that a re missing that I’m bothered by. :wink: Unfortunately comment are not editable otherwise I will have amended the list.

Cura3D can export gcode for use it in a SD card directly on the printer, I have not found this option in MatterControl?

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point: Ability to set different temperature between first layer
yes there is, Plugins tab -> Tweak at Z

and you can add more plugin like Skip infill that print external layer to hires anhd infill to 250


Don’t get me wrong, i’m not offended at all! It is because you said “I must miss some things that annoy me” why i chose to put it that way :wink:

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Nice thx Christian for pointing this out. I’ve used “Pause at height” before but never investigated the other plugin.


Yes true, I rarely use the feature though as all my printer are networked with OctoPI and usually save the gcode in a specific location to be loaded onto the printer through the network.

I will not says MatterControl is the way to go instead of cura not at all but found it convenient to be able to switch between slicer engine with the added consistency of the same GUI independently of the slicer engine used. But that doesn’t change the facts that you have to learn what each slicer engine support to set accurately.

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thank you :slight_smile:

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

In a previous post I’ve mentioned a few missing features and been pointed to some actually existing by other members (thx guys) but no tips. Than here they are in no specific order.

- Stringing Increase retraction length. From all the slicer I’ve used Cura out of the box as this settings a bit low and object sliced with Cura suffer more from stringing than with other. I than looked in both slicer for the value on this setting and Cura was much lower increasing the retraction length do reduce stringing. I do have reprap machine but all the Ultimaker 1 & 2 from the makerspace suffer the same nag

- Enable z-hop on retraction in expert setting. When printing the edge of printed surface especially near overhang curl up slightly if cooling is low or if you over extrude enabling hop really, set it 0.5mm at least the 0.075 recommended is way to small.

- Remember to save your profile especially if you add start gcode and gcode or you’ll loose those when you apply update

- Personal Pref: As object slicing occur on each change or automatically when importing a file. I try to remember to preset the value before importing the file avoid waiting on large object. Even if the processing is much faster with Cura than other slicer it can help saving time.

- On reprap machine you’ll often will need to reduce infill overlap to improve print surface quality. e.g jagged edge on cylinder drop overlap to 5%

Correct me if I’m wrong feedback welcome.


Keep us updated! That would be great.

Thanks for the tips elmuchacho, I will definitely try this out!

A possibly little known aspect of Cura is it’s ability to produce 3D models from 2D . jpeg and .bmp files. You can see how this works by reading my blog on the Ultimaker CREATE Education website :