
I’m looking for a STL or gcode file to calibrate the print temperature of my UM2.

Something like this (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:656001) looks promising, but it is not complex enough. I would like to see a bit of curves, overhangs etc. per temperature. Does anyone have a good file for that?




Hi, If you search for torture test you should be able to find something. Thanks!

if i can help try this test. Print several times with diferent temperature settings.
overhang_test.stl (980 KB)

Thanks. I know this one, but it would take to much time to print different temperatures.

I’m looking for an object that I can print quickly and that uses the M104 command to change temperatures during one session. I probably have to design one myself :slight_smile:

Just to explain a bit more why your model would’t work:

I would want to know the optimal printing temperature for Fast Print, Normal Print and High Quality in Cura. These are different, because the extrusion speed is different.

Now your STL takes 36 min. in fast print, 1h32 in normal, and 2h32 in high. A total of 4h20… And that would only give me the result of 1 temperature for 1 spool… And I want to test from 190-220 degrees in steps of 5C (7 different temperatures) for 8 spools (currently, will be more in the future). That would take roughly 243 printing hours to complete :slight_smile:

Cut a piece of their thin test to save time. If you put a different pile heights and the test at different temperatures, the test will not be objective because different angles will have a different temperature and the result can be confusing.

My opinion is that extensive testing is waste of time. When someone opens a window while printing ABS, the temperature changes. While printing PLA, stick at the temperature range which is given by the filament manufacturer and keep fans always on at maximum speed after few first layers. Works almost every time.

If the manufacturer gave more than a temperature range like Colorfabb (IE 190-220C) maybe…

Well, I usually print Colorfabb at 210 deg without any problems. If I have problems, they are usually caused by too fast printing speed or retracting settings.


Print at 230C and see what your machine can do then tune from there.

I made my own test:

gcode files for Ultimaker 2 are included.