my kids are waiting with baited breath! can’t wait to print their TinkerCAD creations!

Sounds great! The fact that I could try the exotic material like woodfill , copperfill etc. in a such a small printer really makes me want to have it.

nice job! im trying to print small too


Nice one, @Sascha_1, that’s a really cool print! Would you be willing to share more details about it in a separate post, such as:

  • Printer model & settings: temperature, speed, layer height, nozzle width, retraction settings or any other relevant details
  • Filament: type, infill, support usage, etc
  • Total print time
  • Images

Let me know!

That looks great! I only got a little M3D filament with the printer, but I have a lot of BotFeeder and MG Chemicals PLA from my other printer so I’m trying to get a good print still. Here’s mine:

translated by Google

Hello Marvin,

How is your experience with other brands filament colors M3D can not deliver
Which brand you recommend me?

Greetings from the Netherlands

We’re you able to calibrate the printer to eliminate the straight line seen at the front of the Marvin?