Hi Nate,

Makerware does a real good job and from my experience it gives better results than free slicing software. I used different programs like Slic3r, Kisslicer and also Simplify3D on my repetier host printer. My other printer is a replicator 2 which uses Makerware and in many cases it gives me more neat results.

I also have an original replicator and for a long time I used ReplicatorG. I started using Makerware and found that I didn’t really miss the options that RepG gave me (but it does give you so many).

Recently, I purchased Simplify3D and haven’t really given it enough of a shot to comment adequately on it. I feel like it has the polish of makerware with even more options than RepG if you want to use them. The slicing speed is simply outstanding though.

Just to +1 much of what has already been said: I have the same machine as you, just had it for 3 years now :wink: Started off on ReplicatorG, moved to Makerware when it was released, and since Dec have been using Simplify3D : While S3D is lacking in a few areas, it far makes up for it in soooo many other places. Worth five spools of cheap filament? Yes. I did a detailed review of it here when I first got it (still applicable): Simplify3D | AK Eric

Upgrade your firmware to Sailfish, and you’ll have one really solid machine.

When it comes to Makerware, the only things about it I don’t like is its slice time (so, so slow). I’ve got some really good results out of it in the past, and like mentioned, you can still twist a lot of knobs using it’s custom profiles. But with S3D, the slicing is so fast (and the gcode visualizer is so nice) the slicing process becomes an iteration step, not a “finally, that finished after 2 hours” step.


Yea that’s what I’m thinking, to swap firmware did you just press the reset button a on the printer and reload the selected Sailfish firmware? How did you go about doing it?

Thanks! Yea I will definitely make the switch … eventually … just watching the S3D youtube demo has gotten me invested. It looks like you have a TON of control over your prints, thanks for all the help & suggestions! I’ll probably be back for more questions.

How are you changing GCode from Simplify3D to Makerbot file format? I’m still using Makerbot slicer and i’m not fully satisfied with that.

S3D will nicely and gently export a x3g file just for your needs! :wink:

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Oww How nice :wink: thx for info.

You’re welcome!

I just tried to upload the new. Makerware to my 2X and it will not work. Seems like the good time to explore new options. My second 2X machine has Sailfish on it and it seems to be ok. So what are the good options to choose from? I see simplify3D mentioned…and matter ware. Any real solid suggestions?

+1 Sailfish - used 3 years

+1 Simplify3D - used 6 months

Considering all the other upgrades the Replicator needs (aluminum arms, hood, side covers, etc.) The price of S3D is trivial.

Stop your criticism. 3D printing has a long and proud history of being, and maintaining, a vibrant open source community. Since the user has a 3d printer and money for filaments, he could probably fork over $150 for S3D. But if he can find an open source slicer to fit his needs then he should go for it. What’s your beef? I love open source everything. But at this point the convenience and reasonable learning curve of S3D might be worth forking over my $150.00. When I do so, will you send me a plate of cookies? The old saying “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” is for losers. And if you won’t ask, your a sucker. So there, hmph!![Response to “What To Do When Your Baby’s Cry?”](https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=JN.0k363zMe9YmrxHc9QjX8hA&pid=15.1&rs=1&c=1&w=167&h=111 “Response to “What To Do When Your Baby’s Cry?””)