+1 to simplify 3d

Flashprint offers 3 different slicers. Which one are you having trouble with and what is the issue?

I can confirm, Simplify3D is great. I purchased it some month ago and it works very good.

I am more then happy to fork up the cash if it is worth it. Would some one mine slicing a file to see the different in gcode; by the way thanks all for the response as well.

One of the best thing’s about S3D that I think is worth the cost itself, is how fast it slice’s file’s. You can slice a huge file in no time, and if there is anything at all you want to change (which happens all the time) after looking at the preview, it doesn’t take a hour to re-slice the file. Just seconds.

All the other great feature’s are just a bonus to me after the slicing speed. I still would recommend trying out Slic3r for a few print’s just to see what it’s like. It’s free, so nothing to lose. Good luck!

couldn’t take it anymore…just bought Simplify3D.
You get what you pay for.

and you will never look back with regret! ive stuck a 4mm glass window pane on my bed with the very same blue tape they give you with the printer…have the best prints ever and no need for any adjustment goodies…just wound in the springs and setup the bed level…i used a piece of the antistatic bag as a feeler guage and my prints are excellent

i make all the plastics for my copter designs so they have to be good

Some help:

I agree, but after some trial and error I think I’ve got the hang of it.

It’s almost identical to MAKERBOT’s slicer MAKERWARE, accept for one feature that is missing: “LAY FLAT” which is very useful in leveling objects. I also miss the COPY and PASTE option, but “Ctrl D” works OK for arranging multiple prints.

Make sure you have the most recent version of FLASHPRINT installed.

This version has 3 built in slicers to choose from:

# Skeinforge slicer is as close as you can get to MAKERWARE, This is my first choice most times.

It has a nice extra feature: Exterior Support Only, I find it useful from times,

# Slic3r slicer builds the support as a separate part so it beaks of easily and leaves less scars on the print,

But If the part need support on the inside it is very hard to take out the support.

This slicer also controls the support speed separately, so you can speed up prints that use a lot of support material without damaging the quality of the print.

# ffslicer - I’m quite new to it, and haven’t found a significant advantage yet.

Good Luck,


again I must say aside from the program; this printer is the best I have worked with this being my 3rd printer…i know…I am addicted to 3D printing.

Same here! :smiley:

Awesome overview! Thanks

wow , a lot of praise for Simplify 3D. We just got one as well. Still figuring it out. I guess it takes a while to learn it. Is it really the best one?

Yes. 99% sure. Even if repetier bundle can offer a few options that it does not have (custom infill shapes is one), it is so efficient, simple, yet customizable, and de slicing is occuring SO FAST that it is worth it. After all, time is money too,right?

In most people’s opinion, it’s the best one. It’s not perfect, nothing is. But it work’s great 95% of the time, it’s very very fast, and the manual support generation is nice, and preview screen is very nice also. If you are still learning it I recommend checking out the “Community” section on their website. It’s a nice little forum with lot’s of tips and tricks.

I Slice my stuff with meshmixer, pretty straightforward. Works perfectly

Simplify3D works right out of the box with default settings. Using a PEI (Polyetherimide) Sheet

I contacted them about a demo version. they offer support for any issues you have. if for some reason they cannot resolve your issue they will refund you withing the first 14 days.

I love using repitier with Slic3r. yes i know Slic3r’s pearl makes slicing slow, but i have enough other work to keep me busy that i slice my objects several days ahead of time, so slicing speed doesnt really matter. I am really interested in S3D’s reduced print time due to less moves. Rep/Slic3r makes several, obvious, unneeded non-print moves. I also love the honeycomb fill Rep/Slic3r offers. at 10% fill my parts are incredibly strong. This is an option no one else i know offers.

I really like the rotation control offered by Cura and its speedy calculations. Downside is that some calculations have to be done manually, like shell thickness instead of shell layers.

I bought my printer from Matter Hackers, so I tried MatterControl since its “Just like Cura, but better” and I find that the interface is overly complex and there is no increase in benefit.