Yap, i’ve done this, now is stabilised a ± 6°C (197 to 203, it varry ) do you think it’s correct ?

the problem stay the same, with different PLA, different sie of spool, on different spool holder, so i don’t think it’s the material

try repetier and see the results

ok…as supposed this lead to z axis wobble…did you print the test cube? How it is? The problem is visible only in some faces or in every face? Pitch of your z screws? (m5, m6, m8?) did you measure the distance between wave tops?(or bottoms) Double check the z-x joints and observe it while the machine is printing

Hi, i’m 90% sure that the problem is with the z axis. i’ve seen this before and it’s can be caused by a few different things.

i looked at the printer in the photo and it appears the z rod is constrained at the top, the first thing i would try is removing that.

Thanks for the tips, i’ve removed it for the screwed bar, i’m now doing a print test with marvin and cube

Thanks for the tips, i’ve removed it for the screwed bar, i’m now doing a print test with marvin and cube

Hi !

there the photos of the cubes, the first is 0,2, second 0,1, and 0,05 for third, the photo of these fisrst are take on the logical sense print ( y are front, rear, x are lef, right, and z up)

for second serie is front and letf and rear of 0.2 mm cubes and third is for the 0.1mm one

i now do a new print test with an another tips from someone

Cool look that one! Expensive?

Not to be negative here, but given all the pics, it really seems toi be a hardware issue. On the other hand, it’s always safe to test leads before discarding them :slight_smile:

I’ll give a try when i can, i’m pretty sure it’s hardware because this software work verry well on another printer

not very expensive, you can look on bee website, he give more information :slight_smile:

Hi! I agree with Dubbo_3d, and from the pictures it is z-wobble, i haven’t seen the picture of Your printer yesterday…remove z-tops contraints and, depending in your x-ends, apply antiwobble pieces like this http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:141479

Many thanks, it make sense, i’m at work now and i’ll do this this evening ! i’ll give news to you when i’ve done your tips !

i use the these and they works Great! Non perfectly straight threaded rods are free to wobble without transmit the motion to the x-assembly, the only concern i see is related to a special slicer function present in Slic3r called z-lift, as said it slightly lift the printhead when performing retraction, in case you want to use a similar function just add small rubber band between antiwobblers and x-ends!

Simplify is definitely the best slicer currently available, because of custom supports, fast processing, but especially the excellent toolpath generation. I’ve done comparison prints with Simplify, Slic3r, Cura and Matter control, and Simplify beats them all. Makerbot slicer, when you don’t need supports, is on par with simplify, but with far less options and of course, only for Makerbots and clones.


Like sayed here, you should try something like this :



don’t sure to understand your last tought, you mean it’s necessary to have this after this modification ?

Because i already retract the filament when it print

here some news, it’s more complicated than i planed because i don’t have much space under the extruder axis for anti-wobble system, so i’ve reprinted some parts ( especially top one, because it was broke, i’ve done a test without and the wobble was much important ).

Sorry for my terrible english…i’ll try to explain it better:

you should be able to fix the z-wobble problem on your prints by removing z-tops constraints and installing antiwobblers.

Someone like/need a special function present in many slicing sw called z-lift(in slic3r and cura, don’t know Simplify3d) which perform a slight printhead lift during retraction/travel moves and then return to the previous print height to improve prints cleanlyness, in some cases when this function is enabled on machines equipped with the antiwobblers suggested, the overall quality/cleanliness could be worsen. if this will happen to fix this further issue it could be useful to apply “soft constraints” between antiwobblers and x-end made with soft rubber bands.

This is just in case,

