Makerware SUCKS


Unfortunately, you really only have one good choice with the FlashForge Creator Pro.

Simplify 3D is well worth the price. Personally, I think they should increase the price of the Creator Pro and include Simplify 3D with it out of the box. Some other manufacturers of high quality 3D printers already are.

Not doing so is sheer stupidity - kind of like selling a high performance automobile with bald retreads.

FFUSA does include S3D and glass plate as options now, but I believe it is up to the distributors to add this end user option.

buy the glass bed and 3d printspray here… we use the spray on all our printers including creator pro it is brilliant perfect prints everytime

Well, my machine is an Ultimaker and this is no problem for me. If you have a heated glass bed just leave it clean without anything. I print PLA using 60 C temperature, and usually need no extra stuff to get my printf to stick to the bed. When it fails I use hair spray,what ALWAYS solve the problem.

Just a tip about getting stuff to stick to the build plate. I’ve had lots of problems, and I use PLA only. The trick turned out to be blue tape, but not just any blue tape. The stuff you buy with the Ace Hardware Brand works 5x better than any other tape I have found. I have to pry parts off and NEVER get any warpage on large parts anymore.

Why is there the image of a MakerBot Replicator 2 associated with this post? It certainly isn’t a FlashForge.

A Replicator 2 use SD cards that are 2 gig. No more, No less. Why? Who knows.

I could have swore when I bought mine it came with pla not abs…also it looks like you are printing to hot and that would explain printing with abs settings and using pla which would come out hot and stringy. I would check into this as it even said in my manual it was pla.Either way it looks like a temp problem for what ever you are printing with.