You had me at marble, how can I get my hands on it?

How about marble, brick, acrylic, and some others? I am the only official USA reseller of TreeD Filaments from Italy. They have a huge line of seriously unconventional filaments. Let me know if you want to buy some and check it out.

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I will be ordering a new shipment here shortly. Check out my Facebook page Redirecting... and message me for prices and so I can order exactly what you want. :slight_smile:

Okay, just added. I actually saw you guys on Amazon yesterday, you were recommended for me! Good luck!

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you miss polycarbonate, its the best material to get strong and sturdy parts with high temperature resistance. You can even get screw threads inside it easily.

This is the best PC i know, made in cooperation with the inventors of polycarbonate:

try to find a reseller in your location and have fun with this great material.